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Thank you for visiting my website. If you would like a consultation, please fill in the form below. In general, an attorney can only represent one party in a dispute or negotiation. Therefore, before creating an attorney-client relationship, I must check to be sure handling your matter will not result in a conflict of interest with any other client. This is called conflicts checking. Several items below, such as your employer or whether you are an officer or director of any organization are designed to help me check for conflicts. When filling out this intake sheet, please be as specific as possible about other parties who may be affected by your matter. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
I do not share this information with any entity for marketing or other purposes. I will only reveal it if ordered to by a Judge. Still, you should understand that at the conflicts checking stage, we do not yet have an attorney-client relationship. Please tell me about your matter in general terms, without revealing confidential information.
I will contact you as soon as possible. If I cannot help you with your matter, I will attempt to refer you to someone who can.
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Last Name*
E-mail Address*
Street Address*
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Country, if not US
Company Name, if any*
Employer, if differs from Company*
List any corporation or non-profit of which you are an officer or director or any limited liability entity of which you are a member*
List any affiliated/related entities, such as parent, sister or subsidiary organizations. *
Nature of matter and specific issues*
Adverse parties or potential licensees, if known*
Opposing attorney/firm, if known
Other parties potentially affected/involved*
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